5 Tips For Cleaner Seas

5 Tips For Cleaner Seas

The ocean is not just a vast expanse of water; it’s a vital part of our ecosystem, a source of biodiversity, beauty, and life. Yet, it faces unprecedented threats due to human activities. Coexist Projects are initiatives or efforts to create a harmonious balance between human activities and marine life.

They seek to ensure that our oceans remain clean, healthy, and vibrant for generations to come. Here are five actionable tips we can adopt to contribute to cleaner seas through Coexist Projects.

1. Reduce Plastic Usage

One of the most significant threats to marine life is plastic pollution. Millions of tons of plastic end up in our oceans each year, harming marine animals and ecosystems. To tackle this, start by reducing your reliance on single-use plastics. Opt for reusable bags, bottles, and containers. 

By making these small changes, we actively contribute to reducing the plastic burden on our seas. Supporting local and global movements aimed at minimising plastic waste is also a part of Coexist Projects that focus on cleaner oceans.

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2. Support Sustainable Seafood

The demand for seafood has led to overfishing, harming marine populations and ecosystems. Sustainable seafood is sourced in a way that allows fish populations to replenish and does not harm the environment. By choosing sustainable seafood, you support fishing practices harmonising with ocean health. Look for certifications like Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) when shopping for seafood. Coexist Projects often partner with these certifications to promote sustainable practices.

Cleaner Seas

3. Participate in Beach Cleanups

Joining a local beach cleanup is a hands-on way to help clean our seas. These cleanups remove trash from the coastline and prevent it from entering the ocean. Many Coexist Projects organise or support such cleanups. They also often include educational components that raise awareness about the impact of litter on marine life. Participating in these initiatives cleans our beaches and fosters a community spirit focused on environmental stewardship.

4. Educate Yourself and Others

Knowledge is power. Educating yourself about our oceans’ challenges and sharing this knowledge with others can profoundly impact you. Coexist Projects often include educational campaigns that focus on issues like ocean acidification, climate change, and marine pollution. You can help shape a more ocean-conscious community by staying informed and spreading awareness. Encourage schools, local communities, and social groups to engage in discussions and activities centred on ocean conservation.

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5. Support Conservation Efforts Financially

Many non-profit organisations are dedicated to ocean conservation. These groups often struggle with funding and rely on donations to continue their work. Supporting them financially enables these organisations to conduct research, advocate for policy changes, and execute Coexist Projects that make a tangible difference. Even small contributions can add up to significant support for these vital efforts.


The journey to cleaner seas is a collective effort, beginning with individual actions. By embracing the principles of Coexist Projects, we can all play a role in preserving the health and beauty of our oceans. Whether it’s through reducing plastic use, supporting sustainable seafood, participating in beach cleanups, spreading knowledge, or donating to conservation efforts, every action counts. 

The ocean is a shared resource, and its well-being is intrinsically linked to ours. Let’s commit to these practices and ensure that we coexist with our seas in a way that benefits both them and us. Remember, a cleaner sea is not just a dream; it’s a responsibility we all share.

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