TikTok’s ‘Soldier, Poet, or King’ Quiz, Explained

TikTok’s ‘Soldier, Poet, or King’ Quiz, Explained

The Soldier Poet King quiz is an online test contains 20 multiple-choice questions that will disclose something about your wisdom of your character in the society. But why were only the soldier, the poet, and the king selected for this quiz? What is the origin of their meaning? This article will thoroughly elucidate all aspects of the viral test.

Soldier, Poet, or Kking quiz Question Answer

Soldier, Poet, or King quiz Question Answer

1.Describe yourself in one word.

    A. Kind B. Brave

    C. Optimist D. Helpful

    2.Which weapon would you choose if you were to go for a battle?

    A. Sword B. Hammer

    C. Axe D. Bow and arrow

    3. If you read a historical writer, which one would you choose?

    A. George Orwell B. Charles Dickens

    C. Virginia Woolf D. Mark Twain

    4. For you, love stands for

    A. Sacrifice B. Caring

    C. Comfort D. Committment

    5. Pick your favorite music genre.

    A. Rock B. Jazz

    C. Hip-Hop D. Country

    6. What is your biggest fear?

    A. Heights B. Failure

    C. Darkness D. My future

    7. The world would be a better place if

    A. There was no war B. There was no politics

    C. There was no socialism D. There was no capitalism

    8. One hobby you would like to learn.

    A. Swimming B. Dance

    C. Cooking D. Painting

    9.Pick a quote from the following.

    A. The greatest glory in living lies not in falling but in rising every time we fall. – Nelson Mandela

    B. If life were predictable, it would cease to be life and be without flavor. – Eleanor Roosevelt

    C. Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. – John Lennon

    D. Tell me, and I’ll forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin

    10. What is the one bad habit you wish to give up?

    A. Alcohol B. Smoking

    C. Anger D. Procrastination

    11. What matters the most to you?

    A. Power B. My Country

    C. Money D. Peace

    12. What does Justice mean to you?

    A. Doing your duty B. Equality

    C. Being morally right D. Abiding the law

    13. Should a criminal be given another chance?

    A. Yes B. No

    C. Depends on the crime they committed D. Everyone deserves a second chance.

    14. One virtue you do not like in a person.

    A. Arrogance B. Narcissism

    C. Laziness D. Cowardness

    15. Which of the historical/mythical character would you like to meet?

    A. Shakespeare B. Hercules

    C. Julius Caesar D. Alexander the Great

    What do the Results, Soldier, Poet, and King Mean

    What do the Results, Soldier, Poet, and King Mean?

    The quiz will undoubtedly include several tricky questions like “What does your anger feel like?” but this questions will decide which category you will fit into between a soldier, a king or a poet. Even if this is just an online quiz, without any real precision behind it, TikTok users have been discussing it enough seriously, so here’s what each category means.

    Armed with the self-love sword, the Soldier eliminates the abuser from their existence. They are the warrior who confronts their abuser regardless of how painful it may be.

    The Poet is a genuine giver who has endured traumas but now helps other victims overcome their dread of their abuser. As suggested by the song’s lyrics, the Poet’s weapon is language, with which they destroy the city of tormenting memories.

    If the result is the King, it means the you are burdened by power and responsibility, with a heavy sense of responsibility falling on their shoulders, bearing the weight of the world and the fights bound by responsibility. Reportedly, TikTok users who get the King, thrive for freedom, and for a chance to feel alive.

    TikTok Viral Soldier Poet King

    This trend became popular on Tik Tok because of an infectious folk song. As we did in the preceding paragraph, individuals compared their preferred characters to these archetypes. The trend is highly original and has attracted the attention of many individuals, including fantasy enthusiasts and individuals who enjoy personality tests. Numerous individuals also create imaginative artwork and illustrations based on these archetypes. The trend has inspired individuals to create and investigate, which is a beautiful phenomenon.

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